Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Here are my babies tonight before bed!! They are such a joy to be around! We have our 2nd post op. weigh in tomorrow & we are praying we are at the 11 lb mark. Cooper is doing great, He is now up to 40 per hour on his continuous nightly feeds and hopefully tomorrow his stomach will be healed up enough to go up on our daily feeds! He is now a hungry boy and finally for the first time in 7.5 months knows what it feels like to be hungry and full~

I am slowly and I might add SLOWLY getting better. This bump in our life has taken the worst of me. I am his mom and should be able to make him always feel better and eat, etc. and when I couldnt it just broke me into a bitter person. I am still slightly bitter at kids his age who can sit, crawl, etc. , but I know in time we will be there! My mom says I always love the "baby" days and I just got to keep mine a baby a little longer then others.

My mom being in this past week helped tremendously. I was able to catch a little much needed rest an she was able to help me get into a routine with our new life as I call it.

I have found a hobby that I love. And it is designing shirts! I am going to start selling the shirts in the next few weeks but for now I am just selling the designs! It will be a great way to help me do something for myself!

It is bedtime in this house for all of us :]


  1. so happy that cooper is doing so good! moms are amazing and glad that your mom was able to come and help you get adjusted and into the swing of things. Oh, love your shirt designs too!!!

  2. I'm so glad things are getting better for you guys. I'm also very happy that your mom was able to be there to help you out. He will get to where he needs to be I know it and I am still praying for you guys everyday. I can't wait to see how much he weighs and if he hit the 11lb mark! I love your shirts and I wish I knew how to do it so it could take up my time lol But I'm glad you found something else you enjoy so much!
