Saturday, September 25, 2010

33 weeks ago

My world changed forever.
33 weeks ago my 2nd baby boy was born.
It was a quick birth. A birth without my husband.
But one with my best friend.

33 weeks ago a tiny baby came into my world.
Today he is still tiny.

33 weeks ago I never thought we would be where we are at now.
But I am thankful

33 weeks ago he laid with o2 on him and struggling to breathe.
Today he can breathe just fine.

33 weeks ago I longed to have my husband share this moment with me.
Today he is here and its wonderful!

33 weeks ago I was thankful
today I am even more thankful

Happy almost 8 month birthday big boy!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Overcoming Stress.

Why Why Why?

I opened this blog for Cloth Diaper Reviews but after talking with our sons pediatrician she thinks I should Blog to relieve my stress.. So I am... If you dont like it.. Well dont read it haha!

I am so thankful for my boys and husband, but latley I am so stressed. I have like NO friends here. I cant wait to just get closer to home so that I can see my family and have some more help. I would love to just sleep in but feeding duties calls. And my husband works so much that we hardly ever see him. I guess its better then him being deployed though. I dont have time for playdates, yet I crave adult woman conversations and my kids playing with other kids.

I am not having a pity party or anything, Just need a way to relieve stress and trust me if you went through what I do everyday you would be more then stressed.

Tube feedings are getting easier. We are slowly adjusting to it. Trip knows when it beeps that we have to go check on bubby.

I never in my life would of thought this would be Coopers life. Praying for a weight gain, surgery, etc but I am so thankful for modern technology in the medical field. Without this he would be less then 10 lbs probably by now.

His PT says he is 50 percent better which means we are getting better! He is playing with toys, kicking around, etc. which he used to NEVER do.

Trip is a big help sometimes lol. He loves to give him his passy, and help throw diapers away. Such a sweet little boy :]

Halloween outfits are ordered and super cute! I just hope Cooper can fit into his. Well thats all for now.!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What a wonderful Day!

today we went to the dr and weighed in at 11 lbs 6.5 oz!!
That is the most he has ever weighed!!
Then we had Physical Therapy ( she has not seen him since his surgery) and she said he is 50 percent better then the last time she saw him! He is reaching for toys, kicking, touching his feet.!

Just a great day all around!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Here are my babies tonight before bed!! They are such a joy to be around! We have our 2nd post op. weigh in tomorrow & we are praying we are at the 11 lb mark. Cooper is doing great, He is now up to 40 per hour on his continuous nightly feeds and hopefully tomorrow his stomach will be healed up enough to go up on our daily feeds! He is now a hungry boy and finally for the first time in 7.5 months knows what it feels like to be hungry and full~

I am slowly and I might add SLOWLY getting better. This bump in our life has taken the worst of me. I am his mom and should be able to make him always feel better and eat, etc. and when I couldnt it just broke me into a bitter person. I am still slightly bitter at kids his age who can sit, crawl, etc. , but I know in time we will be there! My mom says I always love the "baby" days and I just got to keep mine a baby a little longer then others.

My mom being in this past week helped tremendously. I was able to catch a little much needed rest an she was able to help me get into a routine with our new life as I call it.

I have found a hobby that I love. And it is designing shirts! I am going to start selling the shirts in the next few weeks but for now I am just selling the designs! It will be a great way to help me do something for myself!

It is bedtime in this house for all of us :]

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What a change a tube makes

This is one little happy guy! it has been a little over 2 weeks since our gtube surgery and I can honestly say hes a totally different kid. He is all smiles and a few laughs. He even eats sometimes by a bottle! We are eating baby food too!!
He isnt sitting up or trying to at all but we will get there! We are just thankful he is doing as well as he is! We have 6 weekly dr appts. so forgive us if we dont have time to do things with you or playdates.
We have gained 3 ounces and go back Wednesday to hopefully see 11 lbs on the scale!! The most he has ever been was 11.4 lbs.

This is a long hard journey but a totally worth it ending!~!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A totally different baby!

A little over a week with the feeding tube and we have a totally different baby on our hands.
Praise the Lord!

Friday, September 10, 2010


(I Peter 5:7) casting all your worries on him, because he cares for you.

This verse just speaks to me today~ We got a call at 7pm to check on Cooper and to tell us more news. More heartbreaking maybe news. All I can do is put my strength in God and pray that things come out ok! It is not normal for a 7 month old to weigh 10 1/2 lbs. so why does my baby?

Strength is something that I have. I have been through so much with both of my kids that its all I know. But sometimes it is what I call fake strength, I put on a strong face and act like nothing bothers me when deep down my heart is breaking. Breaking to the point of where I cant even cry anymore.

I know God would never give me more than I can handle but sometimes I wonder why he trusts me with so much. I am thankful that my mother is coming tomorrow to help us a little. This new lifestyle is just a little hard to get used to. My husband and I get a night out together and honestly... I cant wait. I cant wait to not worry about syringes,meds,pumps, etc. A night to just get away and let my mind breathe and hopefully get some of that strength back.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

custom onesies.

I am making custom onesies now for 12.00 plus around 1.50 for shipping if they need to be shipped. I will post some pictures of some I have done for our son soon. let me know if you want any.

Tortilla Soup

This is a very yummy recipe!
You can take out what you dont like(onions, etc)

Place all ingredients in a crockpot
Cook on low all day- shred chicken before serving

1 cup chopped onions
4 tsp. chopped cilantro(I add this the last hour of cooking)
2 15oz cans of chicken broth
1 small can of tomato sauce
1 can Mexican style stewed tomatoes
1 package of taco seasoning
4 boneless,skinless chicken breasts( I dump them in frozen, if they are large I only use 3)
1 can corn
1 can black beans(optional)
2 cloves pressed garlic
1 T. butter
1 T. Worcestershire sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste

Garnish with shredded cheese, sour cream, sliced avocados or tortilla chips!

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for my baby boys. When I woke up this morning, I decided I could no longer feel sorry for myself that our life is this way now. I cant be jealous of people who can leave their house for more then 2 hours at a time, or whose babies that are my son's age that can sit up and crawl, I have to be thankful that he is alive. He may be 10 lbs, he may be skin and bones, he may can only lay there, he may not can sit up, crawl, or do much. but he is ALIVE! and he is one of my miracles!

I am so thankful to be his mom that I dont know what to do! He is the best thing besides his brother that has ever happened to me & I will continue to thank God for him everyday.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Have you ever felt helpless??

The definition of helpless is
1.unable to help oneself; weak or dependent: a helpless invalid.
deprived of strength or power; powerless; incapacitated: They were helpless with laughter.
affording no help.

That is exactly how I feel. I cant help our littlest child gain weight. Hes hurting and mama cant come to the rescue. Hes lost 5 more ounces and is skin and bones and I cant help him at all. Ive done everything I can and now its all up to this tube and him. the past 7 months Ive busted my butt and practically lived at the dr office to try to help him and nothing we did worked. Now after 6 days in the hospital, being cut open from rib to rib, and being in so much pain he cries non stop this is supposed to help. I lay on my knees tonight to just pray to God that he can take this pain away from him and help him gain weight.
As a mother, you are supposed to be able to help your babies and comfort them and in our case I cant. I have cried so many tears over this that there are none left to cry out. It is all up to God and this tube now!


Sorry I havent been posting. Our youngest son had feeding tube surgery and we just got home, I will be updating soon!!